Friday, December 27, 2019

New Technologies During The Civil War - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1508 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/05/08 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Civil War Essay War Essay Did you like this example? CONTRIBUTIONS TO BRUTALITY BY NEW TECHNOLOGY DURING THE CIVIL WAR No wonder that the civilized world regards our civil war, as history will yet proclaim it, the most remarkable conflict in human annals. The Civil War was a drastically brutal war, with most of the brutality being caused because of the new and deadlier technologies. It consisted of many various new technologies that made the brutality rate of the war that much higher. There was new weapons created that had huge impacts on the outcomes of the battles and the entire war overall. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "New Technologies During The Civil War" essay for you Create order Weapons were not the only new technologies that contributed to making the war that much more brutal. Railroads, telegraphs, and horseshoes even played huge roles during the war. The brutality and outcome of the Civil War was definitely shaped by new technology. One of the major weapons used during the Civil War was the rifle. Before the Civil War the inaccurate musket was used, so when the rifle was created and distributed it was certain the brutality of the war itself would increase significantly. The rifles accuracy and range was much higher than that of the muskets. The rifle had a high quality bullet called the minie ball, this bullet gripped more superiorly making the accuracy stronger, thus, intensifying the brutality of the war. There was also different types of rifles that would make it easier to load and unload while being carried on horseback. These easier held weapons were called carbines, but since they were hand held they had a shorter barrel making the accuracy and range much shorter than that of the original rifles. Because of the significant accuracy change with the new weapon, the aim and kill aspect of war strengthened. The war certainly became bloodier and deadlier with the newly constructed rifle around. Another influential technology advancement of the Civil War was the cannon. There were many different types of cannons, but used more than the others were the rifled cannons. These cannons could fire farther distances and were the most accurate. Cannons were often used to destroy large targets such as the opponents artillery bases, but other cannons were made to fire at incoming armys on the battlefield. Many of the cannons could end up harming many people if not placed properly. Some are also more prone to explosions if they were to be struck my enemy fire, for they have a black explosive powder added to them. The cannons were very loud and were often times striking near civilizations. A woman by the name of Dolly Sumner Lunt kept a journal in the time of the civil war and she said we have heard the loud booming of cannon all day. These people were so close to the battle fields and had to be ready at all times to move in order to survive or else they would be struck by cannons, leav ing more people dead from the war. The cannon was mainly used and perfected by the Union on the battle grounds, making the Confederates more of the cannon targets during the war . The cannon was certainly a very destructive and dangerous weapon enhancing the brutality overall of the war. Additionally, railroads also played a huge role in making the war that much easier to make it that much more brutal. Railroads made it possible to move huge groups of the troops to one battle or camp to another way faster than on horseback. Railroads didnt always carry people on them, often times they had supplies and weapons on them to deliver to troops to use in battle. Medical supplies were carried on the railroads to be transported to the the hospitals that were treating the wounded from the war. Many of the railroads were in the North during the war, for they were more infrastructural. With the easier supply delivery and troop movements, the war certainly became more livid. Even though they now had railroads, horses were still a very vital part of the war. Horses were used to move and carry heavy objects to and from destinations. They were put through very harsh, tough circumstances throughout the war. Over one million horses were killed within battle or because of the amount of stress that was forced on them over time. Many of the horses were used in battle, for the troops would ride on them making the approach on the enemy faster and the work of the rider easier. In order for horses to be able to withstand all this force and pressure they needed horseshoes to protect their hooves. The inventor of these magnificent horseshoes was Henry Burden. Henrys corporate empire was called Henry Burden Sons where he was able to manufacture 50,000 shoes per day. Horseshoes became an imperative part of the war and no horse would go without them. The soldiers would carry extra horseshoes with them in case the old ones were worn down or would break on the battle fiel d. Horseshoes contributed to the war tremendously, because without them it is likely many more horses would have died and they wouldnt have been as strong and powerful without these challenge conquering shoes. Horses themselves added to the brutality in such a way as the soldiers just being able to be at the battle field, and with these horseshoes on them they were able to withstand harsh ground and live longer allowing the death rate of the enemy to increase rather than the horses. In addition to all the other new technologies of the Civil War is the steamboat. These boats helped move supplies and men to and from different areas through the war. Steamboats were mainly used when there was a shortage of railroads in the area. The boats were used for mostly the same purposes as the railroads. There was another type of boat used during the war called a gunboat. These boats were not used for transporting supplies and men, but for invading the enemy by water instead of by land. These boats were heavily armed with many guns and cannons. A lot of the times these boats were also used to fire at other oncoming enemy boats or enemy boats with their artillery on them, destroying the boats leaving nothing but ash. The steamboats worked until blockades began to be introduced which stopped the access of the boats to the enemies side, but until then they were very victorious. Steamboats and gunboats both made the brutality of the war increase because of the damage the gunboats were able to cause on the opposing side and the amount of people and supplies transported by the steamboats. Without these two new technologies the war would have only taken place on land and not by sea, so this added a whole new war strategy and new opportunities to defeat the enemy. Telegraphs were another important technology of the Civil War. The telegraph was the messenger throughout the war. It would send electric signals across an electric wire that was between the locations of where they were communicating. One of its uses was to help direct where and when the armies should be at certain locations. It allowed them to know better about what was ahead of them from past experiences of allies that have been in a certain location. The commanders during the war were able to communicate strategies easily with their troops making it a lot easier to battle during the Civil War. The telegraphs were also a safe way to communicate with each other, for it made it hard for the enemies to find out strategies and plans of attack on the opponent. Without telegraphs the war would have been a completely different game. The strategies of both sides would have been different and the amount of people killed much higher, since the amount of blind attacks and unpreparedness would be increased. With the telegraphs they were able to strategically plan out and be ready for whatever was to come their way through the communicative system, and they were also able to plan out attacks on the opposing team killing and defeating them easily. At the present time many technologies are also used during war. The technologies used today are advanced technologies of the earlier era. Today troops are able to battle from the air not only with combat planes, but with drones. With these drones you dont have to have a passenger aboard, meaning less people will die from and during air combat. Instead of the telegraph, today there are many different electronic ways of communicating. All these new commutative ways were all started and built off the invention of the telegraph during the Civil War. Powerful tanks are a huge staple in the wars of today. These large, heavily equipped machines are what are use instead of horses to battle. As shown many of the present day technologies used during war are just advancements of the Civil War technology. All of the technologies present and past will always be huge contributors to the brutality of the wars.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Essay about Everyone Deserves a Second Chance - 980 Words

Attending Samford University as a freshman, I was more than positive that all of my classes would be boring until I enrolled in Communication Arts 101. Communication Arts is a class required for all freshmen to take and it helps develop writing and speaking skills that will empower us as students. Traditionally, college professors will ask their students to write an essay and move on to the next assignment. In contrast, Samford University incorporates formal speeches into the curriculum to help students vocally express their research and thoughts. Our class was recently assigned to deliver an Informative speech, which is a major portion of our grade. My speech received a fairly good grade; however, there are some aspects of my speech that†¦show more content†¦The second weakness I observed in my Informative speech was my lack of commanding the material. While I was delivering my speech, I continuously read my notes cards verbatim instead of paraphrasing my information to mak e my speech sound fluent. There were many accounts where I constantly made this mistake of reading my note cards verbatim. For instance, this occurred when I alleged, â€Å"Social Media Networking is the process in which society use social media to promote businesses and communicate with friends and family.† When I read this statement from my note cards verbatim, it showed my audience my lack of mastery over the material. The audience may become uninterested and unreceptive when the presenter reads from their notes too often. This weakness can also cause the presenter to makes less eye-contact with the audience. Even though my eye-contact was decent throughout the speech, I continuously stared at my note cards which caused the attention of my audience to drift away. In order for this not to reoccur, I simply need to practice more. I know this may sound broad, but the more I practice my speech the less I will depend on my note cards to get me through the presentation. Hencefor th, I stood in the mirror for numerous hours imagining the mirror was my audience. I envisioned my classmates in front of me as I assimilated gestures and constant eye-contact to engage my audience. When I deliver my Revision speech, my audience willShow MoreRelatedCapital Punishment : A Hot Topic On The Public Eye996 Words   |  4 PagesCapital Punishment has been a hot topic in the public eye for some time. The question on many minds is whether it is acceptable for the state to end one’s life for the crime they have committed. I believe that everyone deserves a second chance. Another issue that we should address is, that in the justice system on daily basis we will encounter mistakes being made. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Social Care Impact of Young Adults-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Social Care Impact of Young Adults in Residential Setting. Answer: Social care has become a concept used widely for the research of state welfare and has experienced a series of consecutive reforms over the current years. The advanced prospects of social care had determined the public in the desire of a better care followed by the client-centered approach. The increase in the number of the population has expanded the need for more and more social care activities (McNamara et al. 2014). However, the social care industry has faced numerous challenges throughout the social growth and development. This report will provide the importance of client-centered approach with respect to the client and its family, ensuring quality care, to observe the clients need and suggesting ways to meet the client demands professionally. A detailed discussion of the various parameters of social care work is specified. The report also emphasizes the need for the multiagency approach. Social care is an occupation with a professional commitment to the arrangement and delivery of superiority care and additional support services for individuals such as a child, young adults, and groups with recognized requirements (Bulmer 2015). The reason for the establishment of Social care communities was to provide ongoing service needs of children, young adults and older people as well. It is an essential step in carrying ahead with the plan and implementation of ideas of care across Social Care Divisions to preserve and maintain inhabitants to survive at home or in their own group of people, in turn, promoting their freedom and lifestyle preference. Social care has enhanced the usual standard of livelihood for those vulnerable to society by giving immense support (Payne 2013). The fundamental values of justice and equity that are established by the keenness of Irish people to distribute resources and liability are viewed in Irelands social care system. It has reflected in the m odification and key reforms prepared to the system since its foundation. Residential care delivers secure and nurturing surroundings for children and young people who cannot stay with their families, or in a substitute unit of family environment, for example- foster care. The key characteristics of social care model keeping in the account for better care-delivery are briefly discussed. Severe budgetary manacles, with the increasing population, have made the cost of care for the young adults in a residential setting, the main policy issue in the Republic of Ireland (Prior 2017). Although the young adults acknowledge the residential care, more transformations are required to meet the individual needs and depend upon the residential cares accordingly. According to the reports in the year 2015, Ireland accounts for 7.8% of the total GDP spending for health and social care purposes. A very small percentage of the GDP is spent on the benefits of health and social care for the young adults, which is supposed to increase in the near future, as proposed by the Republic of Ireland (Wells and White 2014). However, it is important to understand more appropriate strategic plans are required for the adaptability of the situations that would suit the individual need s of the vast majority of young adults in the residential setting. Healthcare system in the Republic of Ireland, also known as the Health Service Executive (HSE), is mainly capitalized from the general taxation (Mc Donnell et al. 2009-2011). Although the government undertakes most of the social care responsibilities, however a major chunk of the young adults remains deprived of the facilities. Thus, formulation of strategic plans is very necessary in order to achieve a better standard of living for the young adults. The biopsychosocial model emphasizes the significance of interacting and accepting the needs of young adults as a sole person taking onto deliberation their faith and belief in a reasonable approach that neither focuses on the biomedical features or psychosocial features (Heery et al. 2015). It is observed with the comparison between the earlier mentioned models and the biopsychosocial model, the biopsychosocial model comprises a much complicated extensive dimension of social care. International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) represents a structure that can be used for all the essentials of rehabilitation. ICF is used broadly to determine and differentiate the extensive implications of social care for young adults (Layte Sexton and Savva 2013). The communicative approach is highly praised in the context of the ICF Model of the Republic of Ireland. It is recognized acting the acting body for the causes of disability and supporting social care. Every individual should avail the proper benefits in terms of treatment and care. Multiagency Approach is an efficient way of helping and supporting young adults, children and their families with added requirements and serving to secure genuine improvements in their lives (Gilling et al. 2013). It is an effective process of addressing the problems and issues of helpless and poor children and young adults, against which the agency comes up with unique and innovative solutions, providing a sense of relief to the individual as well as their families. The multi-agency team comprises of a team of medical practitioners, dedicated social workers and other young educated staffs (Petrosino et al. 2015). All the members of a multiagency perform social works as teamwork in order to achieve the desired outcomes. The team also arranges for regular meetings for solving various issues encountered while approaching a certain individual or a group of family. There exists a very well balanced team-member of educated, social care, health and youth justice specialists or practitioner s. The multiagency activities mainly focus on the support for young adults, child or family members. Joint assessments are being carried out with information sharing followed by provision of unique advanced care of the entities. A client-centered approach to the needs and demands of a client is essential for ensuring the best service is provided to the client and its family in order to suffice the clients needs. It also helps the clients to rectify their individual needs (Graham et al. 2014). The client-centered approach can be achieved through different aspects of social works and the way the service is being delivered to the clients. Some aspects, when implemented in the caregiving service, can achieve the client-centered approach are briefly discussed. Flexibility in service is essential to meet the clients requirements. The flexible attitudes of the multiagency workers provide quality care to clients. One must be supple and flexible sufficient enough perform multi-tasks, which often takes place (Griffin 2014). At the same time, it is essential to know to prioritize essential tasks in an effective and proficient manner for creating a sense of feeling within the clients and their family that they are the center of the service area and are extremely valuable to organizational terms. Again, creative and innovative ideas must be formulated in the context of the client-centered approach. A creative thinker can always suggest better ways of providing child and young residential care (Cooper et al. 2013). The multiagency service-providers must be passionate about the dedication towards their work. It encourages and enhances the capability to perform well towards varying needs of the clients. In every way, the clients are ensured of gettin g a service that involves direct their passion in every way to help the child and young adults to lead prosperous and healthier lives (Rogers 2013). Thereafter, the multi-agency approach must be sympathetic towards the innocent child and young adults while delivering health care. It can be only felt when the workers themselves would consider in place of the clients and think accordingly. Clients and their families are further required to be comfortable and open through someone they believe they can have faith and trust. The clients will feel more comfortable with the hope that they can rely on someone trustworthy (McMillan 2013). In addition, the multiagency workers must be very positive and competent towards the service they are providing. The confidence of the workers will reflect a sense of belief and trust among the clients and their families thus ethically promoting motivation within the workers. The consistency in the service provider is very necessary as it gives the impressi on of the respective organization (Joseph and Murphy 2013). In every aspect, the consistency of caregiving and the caregiver plays the most vital role in satisfying a clients needs. Thus, one must be consistent enough in terms of quality service provision at any point in time. The multiagency develop and provide skilled care to susceptible individuals and various entities of any age that encounter marginalization, difficulty or extraordinary needs. As well as defending and advising for such persons and groups, the multiagency worker efficiently guide, challenge and sustain, those commended for their concern toward successfully achieving their limited potential (Giger 2016). Clients and their families have many unrecognized unique and varying needs at any stage of advancement. There are various reasons of necessity for identifying the client-needs by the multiagency approach that required for a range of factors. A better health aspect is such a factor that is the most concerned need of a client in the field of multiagency approach. Another important need of the clients is the knowledge and education for better livelihood (Giddings and Winter 2013). Until and unless the clients are educated enough, they are unable to understand the significance of a multi-ag ency approach, which in turn provides accuracy in care of client is very essential, is another important (Stotzer Silverschanz and Wilson 2013). Better family and active social relationships are one vital need of the socially neglected clients. The continuity of relations within the families is driven by the necessity of multiagency approach. There is also need of clients for the basic safety and protection from anti-social elements. Client-centered needs specifically can be attained through communication between the clients and other organizational entities such as nurses, doctors and other organizational hierarchies (Coady and Lehmann 2016). The key factors in order to provide successful client-centric solutions to the varying needs require appropriating strategies in a multiagency sector. Every client anticipates equal respect in terms of wishes, values, perspectives, concerns, priorities, and strengths. Thus, delivery of proper care is essential with equal respect to meet the client-needs efficiently (Culbertson and Chen 2013). Every client perceives for a sympathetic treatment taking into account of being a human, not as problems or diagnoses. Appropriate orientation and enduring staff education and training are essential to the performance of client-centered care exercises. A proper review of nurses must be conducted in order to enhance the caring skills of nurses from clients point of view, in turn meeting the client expectations (Nielsen et al. 2013). Educating and training of non-medical staffs apart from nurses and doctors is an essential requirement. All the organizational employees related to the health care activities must receive accurate guidance and knowledge that will yield client-centered services from every individual. Clients classify the goals that synchronize the practices of the social care team. All members of the team should work accordingly, facilitating the attainment of these goals (Muskett 2014). Clients need a consistent continuity of care and caregiver that provides an establishment of client-centered care. Clients and their family want the timely addressing of the issues hampering the services is very important without any unnecessary delay that should be followed immediately with a prompt response (Trotter 2015). Clients and their family wait for an immediate response to any kind of issue that should be immediately taken care of with immediate response. The sudden concern and response from the multiagency workers will motivate the clients to remain in taking service from the respective group. Apart from that, every client wants to listen to their problems and needs carefully, while keeping aside the negative and unwanted experiences of the multiagency members and focus on the present situation and issues. Moreover, the clients prefer to be graciously received in accordance with their problems and handling with care and positivity. At under any circumstances, clients expect a happy and smiling attitude from the service providers. Formulation of client-centric policies is a significant job. Tremendous emphasis is given to the health care laws that are followed by utter discretion. The Irish constitution allocates undeviating authority over hospitals in different provinces. The residual power to control the social care is originated from Constitutional laws, which are separated between the central and the provincial governments. The Youth Homelessness Strategy (2001) is established to focus on the Youth Homelessness Strategy was on setting up of policies and setting out methods to make sure young people do not experience outcast as adults (Watts 2013). Young people who were directly or indirectly the part of the social care programme were being identified by the need for accommodation. The Republic of Ireland has effectively identified the need for accommodation to the homeless youth and has been successful in achieving the desired result. One key action taken to meet this commitment has been the addition in 20 17 of care leavers as a category in their own right qualifying for the Capital Assistance Scheme (Finnerty and Connel 2017). The stability provided by a secure tenancy in suitable accommodation, together with the aftercare supports, is intended to provide these vulnerable young people with a safe base from which to begin their life as an independent adult. Social care has seen a tremendous growth area in the Republic of Ireland. The social workers play a very important role as they create a genuine difference in the life of others. Formal social care has modest initial stages, located inside a largely secretarial or humanitarian context, but has at present extended to include the constitutional, community and voluntary sectors. It is highly recommended that in order to achieve a greater aspect of social being of the environment and the society the dedication in every related task is necessary. There are several other recommendations also that include the expansion of network distribution, meeting the rising demands for client-expectations and formulation of new beneficial regulatory strategies, in order to maintain its golden run over the years. References Antheunis, M.L., Tates, K. and Nieboer, T.E., 2013. Patients and health professionals use of social media in health care: motives, barriers and expectations.Patient education and counseling,92(3), pp.426-431. Bulmer, M., 2015.The social basis of community care (routledge revivals). Routledge. Coady, N. and Lehmann, P. eds., 2016.Theoretical perspectives for direct social work practice: A generalist-eclectic approach. Springer Publishing Company. Cooper, M., O'Hara, M., Schmid, P.F. and Bohart, A. eds., 2013.The handbook of person-centred psychotherapy and counselling. Palgrave Macmillan. Culbertson, H.M. and Chen, N., 2013.International public relations: A comparative analysis. Routledge. Finnerty, J. and OConnell, C., 2017. Changing precarities in the Irish housing system: supplier-generated changes in security of tenure for domiciled households.Global Discourse,7(4), pp.473-488. Giger, J.N., 2016.Transcultural Nursing-E-Book: Assessment and Intervention. Elsevier Health Sciences. Graham, K., Saunders, S.J., Flower, M.C., Timney, C.B., White-Campbell, M. and Zeidman, A., 2014.Addictions treatment for older adults: Evaluation of an innovative client-centered approach. Routledge. Griffin, J., 2014.Client-centered exercise prescription, 3E. Human Kinetics. Heery, E., Kelleher, C.C., Wall, P.G. and McAuliffe, F.M., 2015. Prediction of gestational weight gaina biopsychosocial model.Public health nutrition,18(8), pp.1488-1498. Joseph, S. and Murphy, D., 2013. Person-centered approach, positive psychology, and relational helping: Building bridges.Journal of Humanistic Psychology,53(1), pp.26-51. Layte, R., Sexton, E. and Savva, G., 2013. Quality of life in older age: evidence from an Irish cohort study.Journal of the American Geriatrics Society,61(s2). McDonnell, R., Delany, V., O'mahony, M.T., Mullaney, C., Lee, B. and Turner, M.J., 2014. Neural tube defects in the Republic of Ireland in 200911.Journal of Public Health,37(1), pp.57-63. McMillan, S.S., Kendall, E., Sav, A., King, M.A., Whitty, J.A., Kelly, F. and Wheeler, A.J., 2013. Patient-centered approaches to health care: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials.Medical Care Research and Review,70(6), pp.567-596. McNamara, N., McNicholas, F., Ford, T., Paul, M., Gavin, B., Coyne, I., Cullen, W., O'connor, K., Ramperti, N., Dooley, B. and Barry, S., 2014. Transition from child and adolescent to adult mental health services in the Republic of Ireland: an investigation of process and operational practice.Early intervention in psychiatry,8(3), pp.291-297. Munn-Giddings, C. and Winter, R., 2013.A handbook for action research in health and social care. Routledge. Muskett, C., 2014. Trauma?informed care in inpatient mental health settings: A review of the literature.International journal of mental health nursing,23(1), pp.51-59. Nielsen, A.E., Noone, J., Voss, H. and Mathews, L.R., 2013. Preparing nursing students for the future: An innovative approach to clinical education.Nurse education in practice,13(4), pp.301-309. Payne, G. ed., 2013.Social divisions. Palgrave Macmillan. Petrosino, A., Campie, P., Pace, J., Fronius, T., Guckenburg, S., Wiatrowski, M. and Rivera, L., 2015. Cross-sector, multi-agency interventions to address urban youth firearms violence: A rapid evidence assessment.Aggression and violent behavior,22, pp.87-96. Prior, P.M., 2017.Asylums, Mental Health Care and the Irish: 1800-2010. Irish Academic Press. Rogers, C.R., 2013. Client-centered therapy.Current psychotherapies, p.95. Stotzer, R.L., Silverschanz, P. and Wilson, A., 2013. Gender identity and social services: Barriers to care.Journal of Social Service Research,39(1), pp.63-77. Trotter, C., 2015.Working with involuntary clients: A guide to practice. Routledge. Watts, B., 2013. Rights, needs and stigma: a comparison of homelessness policy in Scotland and Ireland.European Journal of Homelessness,7(1), pp.41-68. Wells, J. and White, M., 2014. The impact of the economic crisis and austerity on the nursing and midwifery professions in the Republic of Irelandboom,bustand retrenchment.Journal of Research in Nursing,19(7-8), pp.562-577.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Socrates and Martin Luther King Essay Example

Socrates and Martin Luther King Essay Martin Luther King demanded revolution and change in the attitude of general public with Negro community. He had same objective as Socrates; free the youth and leave the path of truth for the forth coming generation. King seems more aggressive in debating, in his letter which he wrote from Birmingham Jail, what wrong the laws brought for Negros and denounced injustice by justifying his actions in that regard. Socrates didn’t opt for direct action and only taught the youth about good, virtue and what is right. King on the other hand took actions to stop injustice. King:   We had no alternative except to prepare for direct action†¦ (Letter 1963) Socrates created tension in minds of youth to be discerning about truth. King went on creating tension in the state. King (relates his situation with Socrates): Just as  Socrates  felt that it was necessary to create a tension in the mind so that individuals could rise from the bondage of myths and half-truths to the unfettered realm of creative analysis and objective appraisal, so must we see the need for nonviolent gadflies to create the kind of tension in society that will help men rise from the dark depths of prejudice and racism to the majestic heights of understanding and brotherhood. (Letter 1963) We will write a custom essay sample on Socrates and Martin Luther King specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Socrates and Martin Luther King specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Socrates and Martin Luther King specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer King Points out the demerits of the system and people who are part of it King: While Mr. Boutwell is a much gentler person than Mr. Connor; they are both segregationists, dedicated to maintenance of the status quo. (Letter 1963) King was fighting for civil rights whereas Socrates seemed to have been in intellectual fight. However, it will be right to suggest that the latent objective in both the personalities’ decision making was personal and intellectual growth of individuals. King: when you suddenly find your tongue twisted and your speech stammering as you seek to explain to your six-year-old daughter why she cant go to the public amusement park that has just been advertised on television, and see tears welling up in her eyes when she is told that Funtown is closed to colored children, and see ominous clouds of inferiority beginning to form in her little mental sky, and see her beginning to distort her personality by developing an unconscious bitterness toward white people. (Letter 1963) Socrates decided not to disobey the laws and die instead of escaping the unjust punishment because the law said that his escape may support jury’s conviction and they were right to sentence Socrates. It would have been easier for the jury to prove that the one who breaks the laws could be thought to corrupt the young minds. Contrary to Socrates’ decision to abide by the law no matter what, King decided to go against the discriminatory laws if necessary for his campaign. King writes: You express a great deal of anxiety over our willingness to break laws. This is certainly a legitimate concern.  (Letter 1963) At another point King expresses his opinion on breaking the unjust laws and writes: Thus it is that I can urge men to obey the 1954 decision of the Supreme Court, for it is morally right; and I can urge them to disobey segregation ordinances, for they are morally wrong. (Letter 1963) However, Socrates never thought of breaking the law. His friend Crito offered him escape from the prison because he was afraid that majority would think that Crito was not able to save his friend. But Socrates refused and believed that good will prevail and will be identified by good people one day. (In Plato’s five dialogues) Socrates replied to Crito: But why, my dear Crito, should we care about the opinion  of the many? Good men, and they are the only persons who are worth considering,  will think of these things truly as they happened.  (Jowett) The situation made him concur not to accept unjust laws. King: I would agree with  St. Augustine  that an unjust law is no law at all. King takes his stance on defining what a just law is according to him. King:  How does one determine whether a law is just or unjust? A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law†¦Any law that uplifts human personality is just. Any law that degrades human personality is unjust.  (Letter 1963) Socrates’ stance on unjust law: Very good; and is not this true, Crito, of other things  which we need not separately enumerate? In the matter of just and unjust,  fair and foul, good and evil, which are the subjects of our present consultation,  ought we to follow the opinion of the many and to fear them; or the opinion  of the one man who has understanding, and whom we ought to fear and reverence  more than all the rest of the world: and whom deserting we shall destroy  and injure that principle in us which may be assumed to be improved by  justice and deteriorated by injustice; is there not such a principle?  (Jowett) King’s justification for his non violent direct action campaign (despite the fact that permission wasn’t granted) is that it is absolutely unjust to not let them protest when they are robbed of their God given rights. He writes: In your statement you assert that our actions, even though peaceful, must be condemned because they precipitate violence. But is this a logical assertion? Isnt this like condemning a robbed man because his possession of money precipitated the evil act of robbery? Isnt this like condemning Socrates because his unswerving commitment to truth and his philosophical inquiries precipitated the act by the misguided populace in which they made him  drink hemlock? (Letter 1963) Socrates obeyed the laws because to him being alive was not the objective but leading a good life was. Socrates: I find with surprise that the  old argument is, as I conceive, unshaken as ever. And I should like to  know whether I may say the same of another proposition- that not life, but a good life, is to be chiefly valued?  (Jowett) Socrates hinted towards similar example which King proposed. King suggested that depriving Blacks of their rights is as wrong as robbing some person of his property. Socrates: For doing evil to another is the same as injuring  him? Then we ought not to retaliate or render evil for evil  to anyone, whatever evil we may have suffered from him.  (Jowett) Socrates accepts the punishment and drinks hemlock. But he never accepts that what he taught was wrong or evil. He never apologizes for it. King on the other hand was careful to hurt anyone’s feelings and apologizes to public if he understated the truth. King: If I have said anything in this letter that overstates the truth and indicates an unreasonable impatience, I beg you to forgive me. If I have said anything that understates the truth and indicates my having a patience that allows me to settle for anything less than brotherhood, I beg God to forgive me. (Letter 1963) Both the figures brought change in the way of thinking of people. Socrates’ silence spoke words that his followers could hear and he showed them the way to knowledge and truth. King struggled and achieved his goal to change the prejudiced thinking of whites against blacks.